Why Is My Mouth Producing So Much Saliva Suddenly?

Why Is My Mouth Producing So Much Saliva Suddenly?

Key Takeaways Understand what saliva is and how it benefits your health. Explore causes of excess saliva and hypersalivation. Learn home remedies and other treatment options for hypersalivation. When someone indulges in their favorite food, they may refer to it as...
Blood Blister in Mouth: Causes and Remedies

Blood Blister in Mouth: Causes and Remedies

Chances are you have accidentally bitten the inside of your cheek at least once or twice and had a small sore form in your mouth. While this is common and often has no need for concern, what happens when you notice that the sore is filled with blood? What if you don’t...
Is It Safe to Use Charcoal Toothpaste?

Is It Safe to Use Charcoal Toothpaste?

A new popular trend, charcoal toothpaste, is marketed to help keep your teeth cleaner, whiter, and even help keep bad breath at bay. But how does charcoal toothpaste work and is it really safe? The answer to this question is not black and white, and, while charcoal...
How Do You Know Your Wisdom Teeth Are Coming In?

How Do You Know Your Wisdom Teeth Are Coming In?

When you think of new teeth coming in, you typically think of young children, teething, or the tooth fairy. However, a set of third molars usually erupts between the ages of 15 and 25. These are the last set of permanent teeth to erupt. While some may have no problems...
How to Get Rid of Jaw Pain?

How to Get Rid of Jaw Pain?

Jaw pain can be anything from mild discomfort to a debilitating condition affecting your ability to eat and speak. While many underlying conditions can cause pain, the most common cause of jaw pain is temporomandibular joint dysfunction. At Soundview Family Dental, we...
What to Do When My Gums Bleed When I Floss?

What to Do When My Gums Bleed When I Floss?

If you are experiencing bleeding gums when you floss, you are not alone. Bleeding gums are common and may just be a sign of simple irritation in many cases. However, it can also be an initial sign of gum disease or other dental concerns. At Soundview Family Dental,...

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