Can Gum Disease Cause High Blood Pressure?

Can Gum Disease Cause High Blood Pressure?

You know the importance of brushing and flossing when promoting good oral health, but did you know that it can also affect your general health? In fact, gum disease, or periodontitis, not only puts your teeth at risk, but it also puts your overall health at risk with...
Locked Jaw Remedy You Can Do at Home

Locked Jaw Remedy You Can Do at Home

Opening and closing your mouth occurs during an average day. Whether you are speaking, eating, or chewing a piece of gum, the movement of your jaw is often taken for granted. Imagine one day you wake up unable to open or close your mouth. This inability to move the...
What Causes Bumps on the Roof of the Mouth?

What Causes Bumps on the Roof of the Mouth?

It is not uncommon to experience small bumps on the roof of your mouth throughout your lifetime. In most cases, with a little bit of time, the bump heals and goes away. But what happens if it doesn’t? The good news is most causes of those bumps do go away on their own...
How to Tell if You Have Bad Breath

How to Tell if You Have Bad Breath

Halitosis, commonly known as bad breath, is something everyone worries about at one point or another. If you just finished a wonderful meal loaded with garlic or onions, chances are you know that your breath is far from pleasant. However, bad breath does not just come...
Types of Mouthguards and Their Benefits

Types of Mouthguards and Their Benefits

When most people think about mouthguards, the first thing that comes to mind are the mouthguards they see their favorite athletes wear during sporting events. While protecting teeth from injury during sports is one of the main mouthguard functions, mouthguards can...
Sleeping With a Night Guard: Is It Safe?

Sleeping With a Night Guard: Is It Safe?

Chances are you have heard of mouthguards, especially when it comes to your favorite athletes. From young children to professionals, athletes wear mouthguards to protect their teeth from physical contact during a practice or game. However, athletic mouthguards are not...

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